July 11, 2021 Neighborhood Church Chico Sunday Service "Lessons from Three Kings," Week 27 “ David Dies & Solomon Rises” (1 Kings 1-3). In this message Pastor Andrew talks about the way that David fails to finish his life well and challenges us with five habits that we can apply in our life to set ourselves up to finish our lives as well. There is also a challenge to embrace confrontation (speaking the truth in love) while facing the areas in our life where we are tempted to procrastinate.
Life Group Questions:The five habits of those finishing well are:
Repeated times of renewal, Lifelong learning, Big picture perspective, Dynamic sense of Calling & Contribution, Coaching and Mentoring of others
Q: When you think about those 5 habits - which of them do you feel God nudging you to work on? Q: What have you delayed in doing that you feel the nudge of the Lord to do? Who can you bring alongside for the strength and support you will need to follow through ?
Leadership Question: Is there an area you are facing in your leadership, parenting, managing, that you have been avoiding that you need to increase your moral courage to confront? How can the group pray for you in that?
Bonus question: Do you have a favorite proverb? If so share it with the group...