Announcements for Sunday, Dec. 15, 2024

Life Groups- Choosing to join a Life Group is one of the best ways to get connected at Neighborhood Church!  Our primary desire, and the goal of all Life Groups is this: that YOU would be regularly encouraged in life and your relationship with Jesus, or in exploring a relationship with Him further. If you are interest in checking out a Life Group or want more information about Life Groups, please complete the Life Group Form or e-mail

Sunday Family Service- Dec. 22nd at 10am in the Dome.  Don’t miss the angels, children singing a song from “Angels Aware” kids in the audience will be invited to come up to the stage and sing “Away in a Manger”. 

Candlelight Service- Dec. 22nd at 6pm in the Dome.  LIVE nativity scene on stage, Kids story, worship and more.

Christmas Eve Worship Service-Dec. 24th from 2-3pm.

Senior Adult Ministries Seniors, join us Wednesday mornings from 10:00 – 11:15am in the Fellowship Hall. This is going to be a great time of fellowship, teaching, laughter, and encouraging each other led by Al Cockrell.

 Prayer Opportunities
· Pre-service Prayer in Chapel 9am
· 530 Pray Wednesdays 11:30am—12:30pm in the Fellowship Hall,

 Sunday Morning Worship Volunteers needed Looking for a place to use your gifts?   We’re looking for technicians, we’re also looking for musicians and vocalists!  Come join our worship family. Contact Linda Burchett at for more information.

NeighborKids Check In: Just a reminder that we now have nursery through 3 years old child care on Sunday morning in addition to our preschool– 5th grade Sunday morning program. Please check your kids in at the beginning of church in the Dome lobby. Nursery through 3 years will be open the whole morning. We will continue dismissing kids (preschool and up) right before the morning’s

NeighborKids: Each Sunday we upload the worship and story for preschool, elementary and preteens to our CCNeighborKids/ and You can access more experiences, parent guides and videos at here.

Prayer Requests: If you have any prayer requests, please fill out our online prayer card. Our prayer teams keep all prayers confidential.

New to Neighborhood? If your new to Neighborhood Church and would like more information, please complete our online Guest Card.


Alliance Life Magazine: Sign up at to receive your free subscription.

RightNow Media: As a part of the Neighborhood Church family, this resource is available to you FREE of charge. RightNow Media is a video library with over 20,000 titles that include individual & small group Bible Studies, kids videos, trainings on parenting, marriage and so much more. To take advantage of this resource, sign up at