
Discovering the Mysteries of the Kingdom Message #4

Series: Discovering the Mysteries of the Kingdom
Message #3: “Discovering the Doing What the Father is Doing”
Pastor Andrew Burchett

In this message we look at John 5, where Jesus tells us that He only does what He sees His Father doing. The concept of imitation in following a Rabbi like Jesus or apprenticing under your father to learn the family business are illustrations of how we are to follow Jesus, watching to see where God is working and joining Him in His work.

Life Group Questions:

  1. Are there some areas in your life where you clearly see God working? If so, how are you joining Him in that work?

  2. What are some areas where you always know that it's God who is working? (i.e. someone seeking Jesus, a need that matches up with something you have to give away, a desperate situation that only God can fix, etc)

  3. Who are you following who walks with Jesus? Who are you trying to imitate? (Paul: Follow me as a I follow Christ)

  4. Leadership question: For those of us who have influence in other's lives: when you join God in the work He is doing, do you take others along with you? What does it look like practically to include others so they can learn this concept?