What is Apex

If you are between 35-60 years old, have attended Focused Living and seen the incredible ways God has been shaping and calling you, Apex is the next step.  Apex builds on the new purpose and meaning you found in 'Focused Living' and helps you discover more about your unique contribution.

By clarifying your contribution, you will experience greater personal fulfillment, and increased influence for the Kingdom! Learning to say yes to the opportunities that fit best with who you are helps you to make your best contribution. As part of the Apex workshop you will develop a decision making grid that gives you the tools to navigate and make decisions across all parts of your life, and will set you up to finish well as a leader!


Apex will be taught by Michael and Kathryn Redman. As a couple they are committed to helping leaders grow and deepen their understanding of themselves, so they can best lead and serve others. Apex is a workshop they have been through and led multiple times, and they are excited to take this journey with you.

 As noted above, you do need to complete Focused Living before attending Apex to gain the most out of the workshop.  

Register Here


Date: Friday Feb. 7th & Saturday Feb. 8th
Time: Friday 6-9pm & Saturday 9-4pm

$20 per person, $30 couple, $10 Alumni

Last day to register is Feb.4th at 3:00pm

*Childcare is not available*