
"Lessons from Three Kings," Week 16: “Sparing Saul & Trusting God's Timing” (1 Samuel 24-26)

April 25, 2021, Series: "Lessons from Three Kings," Week 16: “Sparing Saul & Trusting God's Timing” (1 Samuel 24-26) In this message Pastor Andrew talks about the lessons that we learn through overcoming temptation. As David learns to trust God's timing, we are also learning to not try to "make God's plans happen," but wait for God's intervention.

"Lessons from Three Kings," Week 2: “God uses insecure people to do great things” (1 Sam. 10:22; Isaiah 26:3).

In this message Pastor Andrew looks at 1 Samuel 8-10. We see a “donkey wrangler” who is chosen as the first king of Israel. This is a word of encouragement that reminds us that when God calls us to something, he will do the internal work in us and provide supernatural power and gifting to accomplish it.